OL Quickstatements

Parsed Results:

{{ authorId }} Loading - {{ authorData[authorId].name }}


  • {{ transform }}


{{ change.path.join('.') }}: {{ change.lhs }} {{ change.rhs }}

Documentation & FAQs

How does it work?

This tool uses jq for JSON transformations. Each line in the quickstatements follows the format: [Author ID]|[jq transformation]

Can I share quickstatements via URL?

Yes! You can pass quickstatements via the URL using the statements parameter. For example: ?statements=OL1234567A|.name%20%3D%20%22New%20Author%20Name%22 Try this example

Common jq Operations

  • Set a value: .name = "New Name"
  • Add to array: .alternate_names += ["New Name"]
  • Delete a field: del(.field_name)

Working with Nested JSON

Access nested fields using dot notation:

  • Set nested value: .remote_ids.wikidata = "Q12345"
  • Delete nested value: del(.remote_ids.wikidata)

Array Operations

There are several ways to modify arrays:

  • Delete by index: del(.alternate_names[0])
  • Delete last item: del(.alternate_names[-1])
  • Delete by value: .alternate_names -= ["Name to Remove"]